Hao Wu

MArch.Architectrure, BEng.Architecture, ARB/RIBA part 1
Contact: hao.wu1302@gmail.com

Architectural Design
Energy Design , Computational Fluid Dynamics
Agent-based Simulation
Urban Mobility
Robotic Technology

Machine Vision
Machine Learning (RL)
Augmented Reality
Game Design
Film Making

2020.3-2023.9 MArch.Architecture, Studio Greg Lynn, University of Applied Arts Vienna
2013.9-2017.7 BEng.Architecture, ARB/RIBA part 1, University of Liverpool
2013.9-2017.7 BEng.Architecture, ARB/RIBA part 1, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

2021.3-2022.9 Advanced Technology Assistant, Studio Greg Lynn, University of Applied Arts Vienna
2022.4-2022.4 Instructor, Collaborative AI, CAADIRA Workshop
2019.7-2020.1 Architect, Decode Urbanism Office
2019.1-2019.6 Architect Assistant, Studio 10
2017.10-2018.12 Architect Assistant, FCHA Architect

Exhibition, Technoscape, The Architecture of Engineers, MAXXI, Rome, 2022
Keynote Presentation, CAADFuture Conference, TU Istanbul, Istanbul, 2017

Dounas, T., Spaeth, A., Wu, H., Zhang, C. (2017) Speculative Urban Types - A Cellular Automata Evolutionary Approach, CAADRIA, 2017
Lombardi, D., Dounas, T., Zhang, C., Wu,H. and Yang, C. (2018) Creating new cities: Cellular Automata & Social Condenser, CAADRIA, 2018
Dounas, T., Spaeth, A., Wu,H., Zhang, C. (2017) Dense Urban Typologies and the Game of Life: Evolving Cellular Automata, CAAD Future, 2017

Architectural Design
Urban Design
Animation & Filmaking
Game Design, AR/VR Application
Robotic Fabrication
Machine Learning (RL)

Rhinoceros,  Rhino C#, Rhino Python
Grasshopper, Karamba, Ladybug& Butterfly
Autodesk Revit
Adobe Creative Cloud
Blender3d, Blender Python
SideFX Houdini, VFX

Unity3D, Unity ML-Agent
Python, OpenCV
Tensorflow, Pytorch
Vuforia Engine

Third Price, Yilong New District Competition, 2017
Academic Achievement Award, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, 2016
Academic Excellent Award, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, 2015
Sliver Medel in National High School Math League Competition, 2013